

We use this platform free partnering with Zeffy, which saves us processing fee. However, they cover the fee for all users through tips that people like you give in addition to your giving.


After you have inserted the amount, or pick the customized figure, it will add a tip automatically.  

Click the arrow down to pick the tip of your choice. Pick “OTHER” to customize. But if you don’t want to tip this time, you can leave it blank.


We however encourage people to do.


Thank you.

Methodist Missionary Chapel Canada

Worship Place Address

50 Barnes Street

Winnipeg, Manitoba.

R3T 4Z7

Mailing Address

18 Gillingham Avenue

Winnipeg, Manitoba.

R3T 3S9



Interac -  Direct Deposit:

Transit number - 20487, Institution - 002, Account Number - 0050113

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