Methodist Missionary Chapel Canada

Kingdom Service - Part 1

14 October 2024

Methodist Missionary Chapel Canada (MMCC)

BIBLE STUDY - 131024

TOPIC: Kingdom Service – Part 1

TEXT: Rom 12:3-8



The English word service derive from the Latin word Servitium – meaning slavery, servitude. The Greek Διακονία (Diakonia) from Διάκονος (Diakonos) referring to ministry or attend to. Therefore, service means to serve, minister, or attend to.

Kingdom service therefore involves worship and sacrificially attending to the interest of God’s Kingdom in all areas. It is commitment demonstrated to the enlargement of the Kingdom of God. However, not all services rendered in the kingdom are acceptable before God. We cannot serve God on our own terms. There are terms and conditions for acceptable kingdom service.



  1. Explain the word ‘acceptable’ and ‘unacceptable’.
  2. Can you relate your understanding of the word service to these scriptures – Gen 2:15,19,20
  3. What are the areas of kingdom service? Rom 12:3-8, Eph.4:11, Acts6:1-7, 1Cor.12:29-31, Mat 28:19-20, Malachi 3:8-12, 1Tim3:1, Ex 28:2-3; 35:10-11,31-35
  4. What are the terms and conditions for acceptable kingdom service? Deut.28:47, 1Cor4:2, Luke 16:12-13, Mathew 25:19-21,24,26, Eph. 6:5–8, Col 3:22-23, 2Samuel 24:22-24. Gen 6:22, 1 Sam 15:22, Acts 5:29, 2Cor.8:11-12
  5. Enumerate the ingredients for kingdom services that will be acceptable. 2Cor.8:7, 9:8, 1Cor 15:9-10, Eph3:7-8, Zech.4:6, Rom 10:1-3, Rom 8:14,26-27, John 6:63, Heb.11:6, Acts 10:38, Acts 1:8, Heb.5:4
  6. From the following scriptures explain the life expected of a servant in kingdom service. Exo 8:1, Matt 7:20-23, Rom.12:1-2, 2Tim 2:19-21, Titus 1:15-16, Psalm 4:3-5 & 51:19, Prov.15:8, Is 52:11,


CONCLUSION: Any Christian that is not active in kingdom service through a church or other organizations is not showing a sign of responsibility as a child of God. The gateway to a life of fulfilment in Christ is obedience through kingdom service. Kingdom service is the use of our God given resources like time, strength, talents and finances in promoting the kingdom of God. However, we cannot serve God in our own way but in His own terms because He owns the job. Serving God is NOT necessarily a man in full time ministry or a man with the five main ministry gifts. God’s servant is a man in FULL TIME OBEDIENCE to God and His Word. What of you?

28 October 2024

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R3T 4Z7



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